Link to this post:
Question 1 - How are you going to help us to work on the airplane noise pollution issue in Sunnyvale?
Answer: Sunnyvale needs to establish a permanent commission for airplane noise just like we have for Parks & Rec, Planning, Health and Human Services, etc. Airports are going to be around here for the foreseeable future so we need a permanent structure to deal with it.
Right now the 'cause' is carried by a few dedicated individuals. If they leave or get tired, there is no one to replace them because there is no official organizational structure. Even the best city council member with the best will in the world has to juggle many, many issues.
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N.O.I.S.E. National association of communities like ours fighting airplane noise. |
If every congress-member with an airport in his or her district worked together to present the residents' issues, the FAA would have to listen and act if they wanted funding (which they do). Right now, the FAA listens to whomever shows up - which is mostly the airlines. We need to be at the same table.
A commission would provide experience to those just getting into city govt. and enable them to influence city council decisions. If any of the 3 candidates l support were to get on the council, we could make this happen. I was able to get a study issue co-sponsored with council member Russ Melton, but it did not get enough support from the other city council members to go anywhere.
Question 2 - There are two major projects for the city now, the water project and civic center project, how to fund them? |
The Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) project is huge. It will cost between $700M and $940M and will be completed in 2042. By comparison, the Sunnyvale General Fund Budget is about $300M. The WPCP is being funded by bonds paid for through increases in water rates. It is a necessity. It no longer meets the requirements of stricter environmental regulations. Our water rates go up because we absolutely need to do this. The costs are laid out below.
Also, |
The Civic Center is a big deal and I have a lot of problems with it. found at: |
We have never had a vote of the residents as to whether they want a new city hall or not. To me this is crucial. We don't want every line item in the budget to go to a public vote, but something this big, and this expensive absolutely should have a vote of the people to move forward. Whether it comes from sale of land or bonds, or park funds, it is our money and it is a lot of money. We need to have a public vote on whether to go ahead with this.
We also need a requirement that it takes a vote of the people of Sunnyvale to sell public lands. Right now it is just an ordinance that can be repealed by a 4-3 vote of the city council. In 2012, the city council voted 5-2 to proceed with looking at a plan for 99-year leasing away over 60% of the Civic Center. That could happen again with a different city council.
2012-2015 plan to "99-year lease" away 2/3 of the Civic Center. |
A much simpler and less costly plan for an addition was presented over 15 years ago (see image below).
Simple add-ons for library, city hall, and public safety building in 2003 Cost then = $90M = (approx.) $180M in 2018 dollars for all three buildings |
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About 2X Dollar inflation in building costs since 2003 |
The Public Safety Building is still intended to get a simple expansion as it was then. But it is ultimately planned to be completely torn down and replaced with a building away from El Camino leaving that entire El Camino strip open. I have no idea why it is planned to be moved to the other end of the Civic Center unless it is to clear out space along El Camino for later sale/lease to a big developer.
Answer: If we allow it, we run into "the tragedy of the commons". ('s_pamphlet). At first it is just one - not a problem - and then a few - a small problem - and then a lot - a serious problem.
Mountain View takes a very tolerant attitude and saw RVs grow from 126 to 300 in less than a year and a half.
We want to be compassionate, but we also need to keep Sunnyvale from becoming an RV park.
It is a public health issue. Where do they get water for cleaning? What do they do with their human waste if there is no sewer connection? How does their trash get collected? It becomes a traffic issue as too many large vehicles block traffic. Will it attract criminals who can avoid arrest by living in no permanent location? Even very liberal San Francisco has enacted bans on RV parking. |
According to the US census there are 51 metro areas in the US of population 1 million or more. Housing is cheaper than here in every one of the other 50.
Can't afford a $3,000/month rent? Buy a 5 BR house for less than $1100/month in Charlotte. |
Answer: I wish there were a simple answer to this but there isn't. Homelessness is a big issue all around the world. I've known several friends and relatives who worked in social work professionally. There are many reasons for homelessness - drugs, terrible family situations, alcohol, medical problems, mental problems, birth defects, war traumas, etc. I have even known a few people with good jobs and degrees in STEM who get hooked on drugs and lose everything.
Sunnyvale Community Services |
Sometimes, a little help can turn it all around and they can re-establish themselves and help others get out of the same situation they were trapped in. Sometimes it is just a normal family or an elderly person who lost their apartment and needs some temporary help to get settled in a new place, maybe a much more affordable place.
Homeless couple - London |
Finland has made great strides, as seen here:
However, there are limits to what one city can do. If all the homeless in California came here we would be overwhelmed - we need to work with other cities, the county and state. We also need to protect ourselves from those who are mentally unstable and possibly a danger to themselves and others. I hope the US and California can do better.
Answer: This is really a question for the schools which is a separate organization. The City Council has little if any influence on the public schools. My guess is that it is expensive having a lot of buses sitting around most of the day and trying to hire drivers who only work a few hours a day is probably a challenge.
Answer: Much of the money spent on political campaigns is from "Independent Expenditure Committees" (IECs) which the US Supreme Court has ruled is free speech and cannot be limited. Anyone who wants to can form an IEC - rich or poor. But the rich have more money.
As for district elections, since I have had several meetings with city attorneys on the subject I am not permitted to say or write anything more about district elections. However, before I met with the attorneys I wrote some blogs on the issue and those are still available:
On District elections: part 3 is most popular:
Part 2 explains my view of how it affects candidates:
Part 4 describes what other districts have done:
On District elections: part 3 is most popular:
Part 2 explains my view of how it affects candidates:
Part 4 describes what other districts have done:
Answer: The new food recycling program with the split garbage bins was approved before I got on the city council. I didn't even know about it until just before they started rolling them out and the complaints started coming in.
I have since re-examined it. It appears we chose one of the least effective methods from a GHG emissions standpoint.
As I understand it, there are certain state mandates every city has to comply with in terms of waste reduction and this was Sunnyvale's way of doing it. At the time it was rolling out I wrote a post on it here:
We definitely should explore ways of modifying the food-cycle part to be easier to clean.
As of now, the garbage collection company Sunnyvale uses has spent $millions on buying special garbage trucks to handle it so we are stuck with it until it is time to retire those trucks in about 5 to 7 years. At that time, we definitely should revisit it. Other cities do things differently and we should see what the other options are at that time.
As of now, the garbage collection company Sunnyvale uses has spent $millions on buying special garbage trucks to handle it so we are stuck with it until it is time to retire those trucks in about 5 to 7 years. At that time, we definitely should revisit it. Other cities do things differently and we should see what the other options are at that time.
Answer: I would like more interaction between the city council and staff and residents. I have done a few "Town Hall Forums" where I just talk with residents about whatever is on their minds but I reach a very few at a time. I enjoy them because it gives me insights into what concerns people.
One thing I would like is phone-in or walk-in Q-and-A sessions. I think on Tuesday nights when there isn't a council meeting we could have 1 to 3 city council members and a few staff just answering questions from the audience or people phoning in questions. This would be recorded and available for watching later.
Also, I would really like the city council meeting agendas to come out 2 weeks in advance instead of the Thursday before the Tuesday City Council meeting. With more time to review the agenda and accompanying documents it would enable people to prepare better.
Question 9 - What is your position on rent control?
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San Francisco's Rent Control Laws (Click image to enlarge) |
If there are two sides arguing a situation in front of the city council I need to remain neutral until both sides have made their case. If I say in public I am for or against something, one side can say my mind was made up before they had a chance to present their views. Then I cannot be an impartial judge of the situation and must recuse myself - leave the room and not vote on the issue. More on the law on this here:
What I can say is that from a practical standpoint, rent control will not happen as an ordinance passed by the city council because it could then be repealed by the next city council. And reimposed by the council after that - back and forth. No one wants that. If rent control were to become an issue, it would need to be as a ballot measure, probably as a citizen's initiative, as happened in other cities. In that case, the city council has little say in the issue.
We do have a form of rent control called Below Market Rate (BMR) apartments. These apartments are reserved for those with incomes below certain levels. New apartments are required to either provide a certain percentage of apartments at rents that are below market rates or pay into a fund that is dedicated to building new 100% BMR apartments. There is about a two year wait to get such an apartment - prospective renters undergo background checks.
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Below Market Rate housing in Berkeley |
This provides living space for those who work in the area but can't afford market rate rents. They can live near work and don't need to commute as much. Sunnyvale will be moving to a rate of 15% of new apartments required to be BMR, like Santa Clara and some other cities. The maximum any city can impose is limited to between 20% and 25%. This is not by any law but simply that above 23% it becomes uneconomical for a builder to construct new apartments. The highest rate I am aware of is Berkeley's at 20%. More here:
Question 10 - What is your position on marijuana retail sales in Sunnyvale?
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Marijuana brownies vs. regular brownies. "Many young children who consume marijuana edibles require hospital admission due to the severity of their symptoms" |
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Will kids be tempted when someone brings some home? |
We don't know a lot about the effects of marijuana's active ingredient THC on people. There is more and more evidence that it results in schizophrenia manifested in criminal violence as discussed in Malcolm Gladwell's New Yorker article here:
We have known for years that tobacco causes cancer but big money tobacco companies make it impossible to ban it. Marijuana companies are going to get just as rich - maybe richer - and buy lots of support in government bodies. It will be impossible to dislodge it once it enters a city.
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Will marijuana retailers have money? |
In the list of violations of Washington state laws on Marijuana we find about 9% were "sale or service to a minor"
Question 11 - As the population is growing fast, there is a heated debate on "growth". What is your take on the current council's actions and prospects on city growth?
Answer: The analogy I use is of a 2 gallon bucket. You put in one gallon and no problem. Put in another gallon and no problem. But now its full. Put in one more drop and it overflows. Or in our case, traffic will gridlock, and people leave the area because they can't stand the traffic. We are already seeing some of that.
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When it fills up, it overflows. What happens when a city fills up? |
Sunnyvale has the same problem only not as dramatic. There are only a few streets that can be used as through streets. Most of Sunnyvale is cul-de-sacs and little streets that go nowhere. Trying to get to Mountain View from south Sunnyvale you only have Homestead, Fremont, and El Camino. When they fill up (which they are doing) we're done.
There are limits to growth. Cities fill up just like buckets. I have a blog post on the limits (with a little mathematics) of population growth here:
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Could this happen here? Maybe it already has. Been to Wolfe and Homestead around rush hour? |
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Solution to traffic woes? |
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This is up to 2016. It hasn't gotten better since then. |
CalPERS (California Public Employees Retirement System) was 100% funded at the height of the housing bubble about 10 years ago. Then they sank to just over 60% funded at the bottom of the "Great Recession". Now, after the longest stock market boom in the history of the US, pension funds have only slightly recovered. If they go below "50% funded" in the next recession (or the one after that) it is pretty much over for them. |
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This is though 2016. It is worse now. |
The good news is that some states are in worse shape than California, and some cities are in really bad shape. Chicago, Dallas, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles are likely to file for bankruptcy long before it gets to us. States aren't able to declare bankruptcy but some will have trouble paying the bills before California does. When they need to choose between paying their highway patrol and their pension bills, something will give and a compromise will be found.
Many California cities are already struggling to pay their CalPERS bills, and they too will reach compromise solutions with their employees. Sunnyvale has a pension fund to help tide us over the difficult times. This will give us more time than most to use the compromise solutions other cities and states arrive at as models for our own solutions.
"Did CalPERS Use Accounting Gimmicks..." and lots more here:
Little video on pensions I made here: